Wednesday, 5 September 2012

I don’t think ducks eat ham sandwiches

I saw a duck today. Someone had been feeding it a ham sandwich. There was a piece of ham on the ground right in front of the duck and a blond man was enthusiastically feeding the duck a limp bit of bread.

Now I’m no duck expert, but that duck looked confused. The look in his eye told me, ‘Hey, what the hell is that you’re giving me? Ham? Do I look like a seagull, or a crow? I don’t eat meat dude, except for the occasional bug here and there…’

I seem to remember hearing that you shouldn’t feed bread to ducks because it gets stuck in their bowel and could kill them. Or is that pigeons and rice? I’m not sure if this is true, so I didn’t say anything at the time. Maybe I should do some research on ducks so the next time I see someone feeding a duck a ham sandwich I can defend the duck with confidence.

(P.S. I checked up on my duck facts and the reason not to feed ducks bread or anything else really is that it can fill them up so that they don’t eat enough of what they really need to prevent malnourishment. Feeding ducks food can also make their ponds scummy, lead to disease, create over population and interfere with their natural feeding instincts. Phew, feel like I should have known  all that!) 


  1. Oh your drawings are so cute Jenny!
    I'm trying to improve myself on drawing and illustrating and usign watercolors too :)

  2. Thanks Irene, that's very sweet of you to say. There's always so much to learn, don't you think?
